Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Dating Advice from a 6 year old

Friday night is movie night for me and my kids. Cuddled on the sofa in our pj’s, we watch whatever chick flick is on television.

One particular Friday, about 5 years ago, MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING was on. Yes, I admit, I love this movie.
Two reasons I love it.
Number 1, it’s the classic tale of struggling to figure out who you are tossed together with a dash of romance that makes it warm my heart every time I watch it and believe that anything is possible.
Number two, John Corbett.

I have been a fan of Mr. Corbett for years, discovering him and falling instantly in love with his character Chris Stevens, the philosophical ex-con on NORTHERN EXPOSURE. His voice made me sigh, over and over and he is really easy on the eyes!
Watching him grace the screen as the super hot Ian Miller this one evening, I let out a sigh.

“Mommy wants to find a man like that” I swooned.
I don’t think I even finished that sentence before my, then 6 year old daughter sat up and pointed her finger at me, scolding, “Not looking like that you won’t!”

I was shocked! She was 6…and chastising me for my appearance.
“If you want to find someone like that you need to put some lipstick on, fix your hair and put on jeans. You know, make yourself look like a woman!”

I am still stunned by her comment to this day. Maybe she had a point.
As I continued to watch the movie, I began to think that lying around with dark roots and sweat pants with an ice cream carton on my lap wasn’t scoring me any points with the fellows.

I think it was time to shake it up.
Thank you daughter!


  1. haha! leave it to a kid to be brutally honest! but if a great guy loves you, they still will when you're in your sweats...on the couch...with a pint of i.c. in your lap, of course. But, she has a point. You got to hook 'em first. :)
    Oh, and John Corbett. *drool* he's so tall....yum...

    1. tall and yummy...yes! I love my girl and she is always my biggest cheerleader, even when she is so blunt!
