Thursday, 29 May 2014

One of My Most Wonderful Gifts

Twelve years ago I was introduced to the first person who would transform my life forever. A person who would teach me things I never dreamt I would learn. Someone whose tears and pain would cut through my heart like a knife. Someone whose smile would take away all my pain and upset the moment I saw it. A wonderful human being whose humility, kindness, grace and soul is unlike anyone I have ever met. 

At 11:20 pm on May 29th 2002, I was blessed with the greatest gift I had ever received in my life, my daughter. 

She took her time coming into the world and this should have been a clue to her personality. Even when she arrived, she didn't do so with a hearty scream. No, my daughter took her time to let the world know she was finally here. Her arrival marked one of the two most important days in my life. 

There is an easiness that she carries within her. Life is to be enjoyed...slowly. And slowly she does. At times her more relaxed nature bats heads with my more rushed way of life. Nothing is urgent for her. Nothing is pressing. Moments for her are savoured one by one, whether it's eating a meal, reading a book or brushing her hair. And I absolutely love this about her. 

She possesses a gentleness that will amaze you. Children, animals and adults respond to her with trust and affection. Her heart is large and she ensures that everyone is okay. I remember walking with her one afternoon when she was about four. We had passed a man sitting on the side of the road with a sign and coffee cup asking for money in what had become hard times for him.  A few feet beyond the man she spotted something and let go of my hand running to pick it up. It was a penny. Turning around with the biggest smile, she ran back toward me stopping in front of this man and dropped the penny in his cup. This man looked at her with tears in his eyes. I was blown away. This is who my daughter is. 

Far from being a drama queen, she does like to inject a bit of flavour to the things she does. This past Mother's Day she gave me a handmade card but before doing so had to set up the "how".  As I sat on the sofa, she walked toward me, iPod in hand, blaring the Katy Perry song "Unconditionally". My life at that moment became a musical. With tears in my eyes, I embraced her as she told me, that like the song, she loved me unconditionally. How did I luck out and be blessed with such an incredible child? Her actions are beyond anything I could ever imagine.

Although she is quiet by nature, she possesses a strong voice and has convictions that drive her. She advocates for justice and candour and will not tolerate lies and deceit. When her brother gets into trouble, she cries. Peace and harmony is what she wants to surround herself in and tries to create an environment where this is possible.

So today, I thank the heavens above for allowing me to be part of this wonderful child's life. Happy birthday my sweet, sweet baby girl. Momma loves you more than the sun, the moon and the universe. 

Talk to me! Who in your life has touched your soul in a way like no other?  


  1. Sounds to me like you have yourself a genuine angel, right here on earth! Happy birthday to your daughter, a wonderful gift indeed!

    1. Thanks Sandy! I know moms often think their kids are amazing but she truly is someone with a heart like no other. She is what keeps things real and balanced for me.

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Kids are treasures and little angels sent from above! Enjoy every minute!

    1. Thanks Sarah! Sometimes I wonder what I did that was so great that I was blessed with two amazing individuals! They are my reasons for everything I do.

  3. I love her and miss her! I remember those early days when I stayed a few nights with you and you had to run out for 20 minutes and I was left alone to watch her and watch her I did, sleeping beautifully. I was in awe and then panicked when her little chest paused for what seemed like an excruciatingly long time. In that very brief moment, despite my normally calm personality, I froze and felt the weight of responsibility over someone so precious. I haven't come close to feeling that way until my own kids were born. Your two are wonderful and if my three end up half as wonderful as yours, I will consider myself blessed.

    Oh, and I can totally relate. Susan is so painfully slow and unhurried it even drives me nuts ;)

    1. I miss you too! AND I am so glad the two of you share a birthday! Your three are AMAZING and I know that they will turn out fabulous, YOU are their mom! Hugs and kisses to your lot and I really hope to see you soon xoxoxo

  4. Audrey you are truly Blessed. As for the slowness I know a little somebody who makes me pull what little hair I have left as she savours each spoonful of her breakfast - finishing on Her own time (rst )

    1. Winfor - I didn't realize your wife moved so slow? Kidding, I know. I see how long it takes her to change at swimming. But there is something we can learn from these two girls. I want life to be less rushed (and you know mine is!) .... they have it right and I hope they never lose it. We are both blessed!
